Thursday, November 6, 2008

Library Thing and me

I set up a LibraryThing account in June and after waiting forever to try to add Three Cups of Tea, I pretty much abandoned the site as not worth my time. So I was a bit reluctant to go back, but I did and even added all of Robert Jordan's Eye of the World series books before I again had terminal waiting happen. After deciding I had had enough I x'd out for the night. The next day it wouldn't let me log back in on a different computer and even wouldn't let me back in on the same computer, it wouldn't let me ask for my password and totally frustrated me to the nth degree. Well tonight I finally managed to get my password situation resolved and I tried to add 3 cups of tea again and low and behold terminal waiting. I know many people are enjoying their LibraryThing accounts, but I think I'll stick with just knowing what I have at home by looking through my bookshelves.

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