Saturday, May 1, 2010

Missed the Hike but saw Crazy Heart

I thought I was going hiking today until I saw the weather forecast.  Based on that I didn't even check to see if it was canceled or not.  Apparently they went anyway.  Meanwhile I washed clothes, cleaned up (organized) some of the mess in my spare room, picked up the living room, vacuumed, and washed the kitchen floor.  Most of this after receiving a call from a friend to use my computer to upload a picture to Craig's List.  Later she called to see if I had seen Crazy Heart

We went to the two o'clock show.  I see why Jeff Bridges received the Academy Award for his performance in Crazy Heart.  I knew it was about a country singer who was an alcoholic but wasn't sure what happened during the course of the movie.  I admit I was grateful that the ending didn't let me down.  The last scenes of the countryside were particularly beautiful.  

The irony is that the day was really quite nice if cool.  No rain, and I wonder if it snowed up at Red Feather Lakes.  Still I will be getting another chance to hike as the weather improves.  

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