Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Soapstone Open Space

Susan and I went to the Archeology talk about the Lindemeier site at Soapstone Open Space yesterday, May 16, 2009. There were beautiful views of the mountains. We learned that the Coffin brothers actually discovered what is now labeled "Folsom Points" before they were discovered and publicized in Folsom NM. They were excited about the discovery but didn't get any attention from anyone until the 1930's. Our lecturer was Dr. Jason LaBelle from CSU and he pointed out the dark line on the arroyo which is the layer that is identified as the layer from the Folsom people period.

With all the rain we have had there were lots of wildflowers and mushrooms.

1 comment:

Mountain Mama said...

Hah! I found you.

Lovely pics. I may have to take the kids and explore. Nothing like a few mushrooms to keep 'em quiet. ;)