Wednesday, December 10, 2008

You Tube

I've watched several YouTube videos in the past year, but I like this one I found tonight and decided to add it to my post.

October 31, 2008

The power of music to bring hope and inspiration is more than evident in this clip (cover of Tracy Chapman's song, "Talkin' 'Bout a Revolution") from the township outside of Cape Town where we just...
The power of music to bring hope and inspiration is more than evident in this clip (cover of Tracy Chapman's song, "Talkin' 'Bout a Revolution") from the township outside of Cape Town where we just built our first connected music school. Join the Movement to help build and connect more schools and

1 comment:

Discover said...

I heard this on Bill Moyers interview with Mark Johnson the producer of the documentary that made this video. You can find the interview on
I think it is a great pick.