Monday, November 7, 2022

Dumfungled in Fountain Hills

Arrived on October 23, 2022 and stayed with my neice a couple of days while things arrived. My stuff arrived the 25th and my bed arrived the 24th, but my sister's stuff is yet to arrive. Hoping to see it soon. We did order a couple of chairs so we have something besides lawn chairs to sit on. I have managed to take a photo a day, so here are some of the pics I took.

Thursday, May 12, 2022

Spring Flowers are Finally in My Yard

 I have been seeing Spring flowers around town, but not much action in my yard until this week.

Chokecherry blooms and Lilacs.

And the first of my Iris, hoping for more to bloom


Saturday, May 7, 2022

Botanical Lane and Spring Creek Trail

 Tulips along Botanical Lane.

Female Catkin of the Cottonwood Tree


Fauna and Flora along Spring Creek Trail.



Friday, May 6, 2022

Never too late to learn something new

After years of living here, I have just noticed the catkins on the Cottonwood trees this spring.
I have also noticed these that develop into a maple-like seed.


Both of these as I was walking between the Poudre River and Prospect Ponds where I took some reflections shots as well.

Thursday, May 5, 2022

2022 Spring Flowers

 Just saw that it has been a long time between posts.  I also have come to the realization I prefer taking photos to writing my thoughts or scribbles.  So here goes with photos.

Espaliered apple tree blossoms

Another tree, but I don't know what kind.


 Tulips all in a diagonal row and then a different perspective.


A favorite of mine, Hellebore

Ops, another unknown.



My lilac bush getting ready to burst into bloom.