Sunday, March 21, 2010

Spring Break is over

The possibilities are always endless before the event.  The reality is quite a come down.   I planned to paint my bedroom during this week off, but I haven't managed that.   I do have the paint.  I can't remember what I did Monday other than trying to stem the water flow from my water heater at 10:30 p.m. that night. 

Tuesday was costly in the replacement of said water heater.  Followed by complaining to those unfortunate listeners at Lambspun about the cost. I did listen to The Furies of Calderon while the repairman was replacing the hot water heater and beyond.  Having started listening I was hooked and only managed to knit as I listened. 

Friday, March 12th, was the birth day of Natalie Jane my neice, Jodee's, third child.  So deciding on a baby gift to make was in consideration during Wednesday.  I decided on the hooded poncho above.  I tried it with a yarn I had on hand,  which was the wrong weight.  I liked it enough to buy the correct weight and am now knitting the final product.  

Thursday, I biked from Rolland Moore Park to the Rio downtown with two friends, enjoying the beautiful day before snow.

Friday was for staying in, rooting around my spare room and trying to decide what I could live without, knitting and buying groceries.  Saturday, was more knitting, making soup for Sunday, sorting through books and taking them to be traded before buying the paint. Thus my fun week is over after the lunch soup meal after church.