Friday, October 17, 2008

What do you like about RSS and newsreaders?

I like RSS because it allows me to put news feeds I am interested in into one place to view them when I have the time.

How do you think you might be able to use this technology in your work or personal life?

I can use them by subscribing to news feeds to keep up with technology and ideas for working with students.

How can schools/classrooms/libraries use RSS or take advantage of this new technology?

A classroom teacher could subscribe to news feeds that relate to units of study for students to use for assignments on current events. Libraries could have a link on their web site to a newsreader for students to check on latest political news, weather, and other subjects pertinent to students’ field of study that quarter.

Saturday, October 11, 2008


One of the changes in technology I have been observing lately is the introduction of online applications that allow several users to collaborate on one web site. Wikis, I think, were the first online collaboration, but now we have Google Docs to share word processing (and they have added a spreadsheet, presentation and have templates for resumes as well as other features) and that has a word processor, spreadsheet program, slide show program, notebook and several other work together programs to allow people across the country and the world to collaborate and edit one product. Each of these has a free component, but there is also the upgrade that you can pay extra for. With the new mobile phones that surf the internet you could probably view any changes to a document you were co-editing and make changes on your phone. I'm not sure where this is all leading but it's a much different world from the one I grew up in.


I’ve been using Flickr since June. I’ve uploaded photos to share and photos only for family and friends. I like that I can upload a photo and then delete it from the SD card in my camera so that I can keep taking pictures. I also like the edit feature to crop photos.

I added this picture from Flickr tagged psd23things.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Cub Lake Hike

I finally made it to see the Fall colors. I took some pictures and created a Zoho Notebook with them so show Judy what I had been talking about on the drive up to Rocky Mountain National Park. There were cars and people everywhere, we were fortunate to find a parking spot near the trail head so we could do our fall hike to Cub Lake. Lots of color, but many Aspen still had green leaves. On our way past Beaver Meadows we didn't see any elk, but as we left about 2:30 we began to see some elk. We did enjoy seeing some chipmunks, a couple of young ducks swimming on Cub Lake and a few Stellar's Jays.